Best Natural Treatment for Excessive White Discharge, Leucorrhoea Cure

Leucorrhoea or excessive white discharge, is very common among women, and needs immediate attention. If not treated in the initial stages can become chronic. This article will discuss the natural treatment for excessive white discharge.

The white vaginal discharge is a mix of fluid and cells from the female genital. It may or may not be accompanied by a foul odour. The discharge could have varied reasons. It could be due to menstruation, cleaning methods such as bidets or douches, or sexual intercourse.

excessive white discharge

Types of Vaginal Discharges:

• White Discharge- Generally normal, could be serious if accompanied by pelvic pain, itching and foul odour

• Clear and watery- This is considered normal

• Clear and stretchy- Sign of ovulation

• Brown and bloody- Normally during or towards the end of menstrual cycle

• Yellow- could be a sign of an infection, especially, if it smells foul and is chunky

• Green- Possibly a sign of a sexualities transmitted infection like trichomoniasis

Following are the Causes of Leucorrhoea:

• Fungus formation due to synthetic undergarments and poor hygiene

• Parasites from sexual intercourse and moist clothes

• Bacterial infections due to gonorrhoea, AIDS or syphilis

• Injuries due to abortion, etc.

• Anaemia and diabetes

• Irritation of IUCD

• Use of sprays and jellies

Symptoms of Leucorrhoea:

• Soreness and burning in the genital tract

• Lower abdominal pain

• Itching

• Burning sensation during urinating

• Tiredness

• Rashes

• Back and leg aches

• Painful coition

• Constipation, diarrhea or vomiting

In the presence of one or more of these symptoms, natural treatment for excessive white discharge becomes necessary.

The most important things in the list of leucorrhoea treatments are good hygiene, healthy diet and regular exercise.

The other ways for natural cure for leucorrhoea are:

• A concoction made from fenugreek seeds and basil leaves

• Soak coriander seeds in water, overnight, and drink it on empty stomach

• Rice and water decoction is a very effective natural treatment for excessive white discharge

• Boil guava leaves in water and drink that water

• The juice from the rind or bark of the Neem tree needs to be taken with white cumin seeds

• Boil okra in water and drink

• Boil walnut leaves and douche the genital area with this water

• Apply aloe vera to the genital area

• Apply paste made from ripe mangoes inside the genital area to reduce itchiness and inflammation

• Add honey to amla powder and consume with milk or water

• Douches the area with the decoction of the banyan or fig tree bark

• Eat bananas, which is a natural treatment for excessive white discharge

• Make a paste from amaranth root and water and apply

Gynex capsules are one of the best and most recommended options for vaginal discharge treatment. It is a natural treatment for excessive white discharge. Its ingredients include special herbs like Ashwagandha, Mochras, Ashoka Andlodhra. These herbs have been used in Ayurveda medicines to treat problems of the female reproductive organs. This capsule brings relief from excessive white discharge and the irritation and pain caused by it.
